Monday, September 08, 2008 (from my old blog Frienster)
Yesterday, as you knew… I was really jealous with every one here around me because they are all very lucky with what they have right now… one of my friend, Samuel, he has just received 4500 USD only for apprenticeship in Google, how can I not jealous? He is really smart as well. Well, just 1 day passed, (is today) we met again and he got in to my YM. And I approved him. I still envy him about what he had. But there was something at that time, I was hungry and I was asking him whether he has food or not. At the first time I was thinking that I was just joking, but somehow, I followed the rhythm… He also gave me an idea that every Monday is better to take KFC promo menu consist of 6 pcs. of chickens meet with only 6.25 euro. Well, then I also would like to go there as well because he somehow triggered me to do so (because it was a good promotion though!).
At 8 pm we went together by foot, because the gate of Bicycle Park on my department had closed on 7 pm so I had no change to take out my bike. During our way to KFC, we talked about our past and got known each other, he talked about his girlfriend how was older than him and just broke up 1 week ago. And he talked about his study… and about our believe in GOD, not more than 10 minutes we had talked about that, there were 2 young people from “Jezus Christus” Christian church appeared and asked us whether we would be interested in joining that kind of church… well, Sam is Christian and I am Catholic so we avoided that guys and went to the KFC, but we were amazed because we had just talked about GOD and somehow HE heard what we were speaking and HE just, by any change, appeared in this situation… but I didn’t focus on that 2 guys were appeared suddenly but I focused on GOD is really HERE not THERE… HE is WITH US ^_^. Even they might be not from catholic but HE could be in others that we meet every single day.
When we reached KFC, he decided to treat my meal and we started to talk more about family and our spiritual experience. He started with his father death in 2004… his father death was not because of illness or heart attack but it was because something out of our senses. This experience made him and his family was suffered so much. His mother told him, when he was still in ITB, that she didn’t have money left to pay the tuition fee… it must be really thought for someone who really like to finish the study… After his after death, his mother looked like a person who has lost her soul, looked so confused, and hopeless. He really had a bad time… He also told me about his manner that is always wants to win in every case no mater what. And one time, when he accepted in ITB of course there were so many bright students coming from all over Indonesia, and he felt stressed because he was beat by those guys. At that time he decided to drop out his study and planed to move to other university which had lower grade than ITB… he was doing nothing at home for almost 1 week after he had dropped the study in ITB. His friends kept calling him and asking why he dropped the course. Until one time, when he slept, he felt something like a spirit move from his stomach up to his head and he saw like a “very bright thing” just right on his face… he felt very content and just a day after, he said to his family that he was going to take his study back on ITB… his parents were happy and supported him so much (this happened years before his father death). He said he almost got perfect score in the first semester in ITB… because he believed if GOD put him in ITB he would be success there… trust, believe, effort and pray… are the good combination to achieve big success.
Well, his story really admonished me and slapped me. Recently, I always grouch and feel jealous… never feel satisfy on what I have right now… never be thankful up on what I received. GOD sends me to this land … to this university… HE asks me to finish it till the end and HE always be here right on my side ^__^ so that I will not be worry about anything, because I trust HIM, I believe in HIM for HE will provide EVERY SINGLE THING even what we won’t think because whether we forget or because it is just to small ^__^ HE cares about us ^__^…. GBU always
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