Monday, 20 August 2012

Seadainya Ada Orkestra Kota...

Dear Readers,

Minggu lalu saya melihat ada orkes dari daerah bagian austria utara yang tampil di kota Linz... saya jadi teringat teman-teman Twilight Orchestra (TO) sewaktu mereka tampil di Bratislava, Slovakia. TO sudah sangat terkenal di mana-mana termasuk di manca negara terutama di Australia dan Eropa. Setiap pemain di TO sudah mempunyai karir masing-masing dan mereka tampak tidak hanya sebagai pemusik biasa tetapi sosok yang memang menjadikan musik sebagai gaya hidup mereka.
Sewaktu mereka datang menginjakkan Eropa, TO disambut begitu terhormatnya dan dihargai layaknya duta seni dari Indonesia. Tidak hanya konduktor nya Mas Adi MS tetapi juga para pemain instrumennya.
Sejenak saya termenung di dalam tram ketika saya pulang ke rumah. "Seandainya saja ada orkestra kota seperti ini di Indonesia..." di Jakarta... di Jogjakarta... yang mempunyai institut seni yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia yaitu IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta) dan ISI (Institut Seni Indonesia). Memang alat-alat musik nya dan musik yang identik dengan orkestra adalah semua nya jelas dari budaya barat, sehingga orkestra musik klasik kurang begitu populer di Indonesia di banding musik dangdut, pop atau rock yang mungkin lebih membumi. Padahal meskipun demikian TO bisa juga menampilkan lagu-lagu pop, atau lagu daerah yang juga bisa dengan mudahnya dialunkan untuk dinikmati semua orang di Indonesia.
Seandainya saja ada orang di pemerintahan yang sangat menghargai seni dan juga berpikiran terbuka untuk memajukan seni indonesia lewat orkes-orkes nasional, pasti akan semakin banyak orang yang lebih menghargai seni indonesia... yah, misalnya saja saya yang punya kesempatan langka memonton penampilan TO, orkestra indonesia, di Bratislava yang membawakan lagu-lagu daerah indonesia... begitu mendengar lagu tersebut saya cukup tergerak dan bangga mendengarnya, bahkan pada setiap not yang dibunyikan seakan mengungkapkan perasaan-perasaan yang tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata.
Bila saja, tulisan saya ini dibaca oleh beberapa orang dalam pemerintahan...
Bila saja, tulisan saya ini dibaca oleh beberapa orang yang sedang menekuni bidang musik...
Bila saja, tulisan saya ini dibaca oleh beberapa orang yang suka main musik...
Tetap bermain musik, tetap ingat indentias kita sebagai orang Indonesia...
dengan musik kita juga bisa menjadi pahlawan yang mengharumkan nama indonesia lewat instrumen yang kita mainkan atau pun lewat suara...

Salam Hartas !,

Beberapa penampilan TO yang saya rekam waktu itu:
1. Bengawan Solo
2. Nyanian Negriku
3. Manuk Dadali dan Rangkaian Melati

Hartasssss !!!!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Ch.17 A Little Insight From A Tree

Dear readers,

What can I say about a tree...
green leaves, brown trunks, radix and fruits are sometimes happy to decorate it.
but can I say that a tree is A TREE if it doesn't have leaves or even a leaf ?
can I say it is A TREE if it doesn't have fruits ?
can I say it is A TREE if it doesn't have trunks ?


but can I say that a tree is A TREE if it doesn't have radix ?

There is 'the thing' inside an object that we might be recognized it based on 'the thing', the identity.
So many trees there are... many forms they have... but they are still trees.
Seassons may changes the colour of the leaves, the shape of the leaves and trunks... but we, human, are still able to identify that that is a tree.


What can A TREE says about a human...
maybe it gets confused but may be not...



Thursday, 16 August 2012

Trip to Passau

Dear redears,

I just made a short trip to Passau (DE) from Linz (AT). It was quite nice to see this city. How to reach Passau from Linz is really easy. In Austria, we have an einfachraus ticket that can take you to every city in Austria with a selected train (regular train: REX, R not IC, ICE and RJ more details see With einfachraus ticket you can also travel from Linz to Passau, and it takes about 1 hr 40 mnts.

Passau tourist map:


there is also this things for bikers .. :)

a view from a small street to Dom St. Stephan


Monday, 6 August 2012

Ch. 16 "What happened in this world ?"

Dear readers,

Sometimes I dont really understand how people know about what will happen after life. What it is going to look like. A person claims her/himself that s/he has seen the after life world and then spread the "vision" to others which is actually subjective. Imagine that you live in an era where there is no airplane. The only thing which can fly is a bird. And something comes out of no where, an object with wings made of iron is flying in the sky which looks almost like a bird... a huge bird. Of course people in this era will say it a big bird... but for us who know that that is an airplane will say it an airplane.
That is only for the appearance judgement. Of course people from the bird era also miss-judge the function of this object as well... of what they see...unless they have a clue.
Based on what they see and experience; those things are settled and sedimented on their mind and formed the personality. A person can say this is good or bad from what they've just experienced and once again this is subjective.
Years after... these people know that in the end they know the exact term for the "bird" and its function. And all people have an equal perspective, understanding and experience of what they had seen. And then the subjective "bird" become an objective airplane... this cycle will be continue on and on.

This is just my thought: we can predict all the things based on what are happeing at the moment. We can also tell anyone about our experience and point of view based on what we believe. But it is not wise to force our subjective mind or belive to someone since in the end it is not objective...

Inspired by copy of stradivari
