Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Ich lobe meinen gott von ganzem Herzen

Ich lobe meinen Gott
von ganzem Herzen
Erzählen will ich von all seinen Wundern
und singen seinem Namen.

Ich lobe meinen Gott
von ganzem Herzen.
Ich freue mich
und bin fröhlich, Herr, in dir. Halleluja !

Psalm 9,2.3

Monday, 23 January 2012

Spread the video please !

Please spread the video to save everyone you loved from the deadly smoke of cigarettes !

We have a change to make all things better...

If you think that you've never done something special in you life then THIS is IT !

(click on the picture to see the video on www.youtube.com)

courtesy of Youtube

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Unresponsible Lion Air (Jakarta)

Dear readers,

When I flew back to Jakarta from Medan on 21st of Decembern with LIONAIR, I found that my travel bag was destroyed because of reckless people who move all baggages from the aeroplane to travelator. For your information, I asked for a 'fragile' sticker to be put on my bag, so I hoped that they would take care of my bag more carefully. But it wasn't.
Seeing my bag not in a good shape, I went to lost and found office and asked for a form to claim. The officer gave me a paper which I had to fill in. He said that my bag would be taken to be repaired by them within 2 days (it means 23rd of december) but until now I haven't yet received any call from them or a guy who knock my door juat to take my bag.
Wow... what a disguisting service of LIONAIR, just make people happy in the begining so that they receive money but after you get shit from them.
So people around the world, please be ware when you travel with LIONAIR, it is really not responsible ! it is not good at all, I can say all bad thing but not on my blog.
NO MORE LIONAIR, maybe I am the only one who really care about this things and who write in the blog but when you read this, PLEASE THINK TWICE IF YOU WANT TO USE LIONAIR.
there are so many companies that you can use like GARUDA, AIRASIA, BATAVIAIR (the first company who paid the compensation about 25 euro if the flight is delayed), CITYLINK, WINGSAIR, etc.


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Negeri antah berantah

Di mana lampu merah cuma menjadi hiasan gemerlap di jalanan.
Di mana jembatan penyeberangan cuma menjadi 'payung' dikala hujan.
Di mana jalan layang cuma menjadi tempat parkir.
Di mana mental strata satu tidak jauh beda dengan mental anak kelas satu.
Di mana orang benar cuma menjadi orang yang tidak waras.
Di mana antri cuma menjadi nama seekor burung betet.
Di mana lagi selain di negeri antah berantah !

Negara itu tidak butuh resolusi
Negara itu butuh evolusi.
