Saturday, 16 October 2010

Ch. 13 "Dr. Ben Carson"

(picture: courtesy of American Academy of Achievement)

In the late night, I was seeing out side sky without stars... just dark. I wonder how would be a man life if he only see darkness... yes if he is blind. He can not see colours, faces, sky... and the most is he can't see people's smile.
A person who can't see something good beyond the fact is the same like the blind. In fact, every person in this world has a unique story about life... once it goes up, once goes down but sometimes it's just flat.
A man think that he is stupid, even he is not since he believes that he is than he becomes stupid as long as he believes it. Once, there is another man just 'open' his eyes and wakes him up from the night mare... he has an awareness that he actually is an ingenuous person, versatile and unique.

I found a link that realy good to see... this link gives us information about people who once achieved something that people can't do. Well, I actually don't want to say that "people-can't-do" but we can achieve something that might be equally important.

There I found Dr. Benjamin Carson who inspires me a lot when I am writting my Thesis... I am not a doctor, not even close as a medical student but I am writing a Thesis to became a professional Engineer. Dr. Ben insprises me through his book, Gifted Hand. Once, he is a normal boy who has a solid mental, is hard-worker, full of passion and always tries to develop into something good. Just becasue he wants to be like he wants and he really do the procedure to achieve the goal, he make it.
I believe that I can do it as well, not only me... you might even do better :)

"... people can do it, but only you can do better"
Dr. Carson's Mother

Ich danke Dir Gott.
lass mein Leben dir gehören...

Friday, 15 October 2010

2D Barcode = physically zip !

You may think of one thing like i did a year ago when i saw a barcode... I want to know what was in the barcode... is it possible to be read ? can i read it ? then how...
This 2D barcode is quite simple but is use full. You can put 250 characters in a less than 2cm X 2cm 2D barcode. Is not that only, you can also put your personal link address and "translatted" in to a 2D barcode with a 2D barcode generator. To read 2D barcode we need, a reader. 2D barcode readers are now presents as freeware software in android mobile phone or even in symbian mobile phone. So you can read it easily via your mobile phone which support the software.

2D Barcode generators are present as online program or even offline. You can create you 2D barcode easily in just putting your web address or text. One of them are KAYWA QR-Code.

Several ideas come into mind:
1. business card with 2D barcode ?
2. 2D Barcode student card ?
3. ID card ?
4. Voucher ?
5. add yours ;)

enjoy !

Ari Manik

PS: to someone... try to read this if you can ;)

Friday, 8 October 2010

Cara menyalin gambar atau grafik

Salah satu solusi adalah menggunakan SnapIt.
SnapIt sederhana dan sangat mudah digunakan.
Cara penggunaannya:

1. Download SnapIt dan install di komputer. Anda bisa juga mendownload versi trail nya secara gratis selama 14 hari.
2. Setelah terinstall, akan terlihat icon SnapIt kecil berbentuk kamera dekat sudut kanan bawah
3. kemudian set proses penyimpanan gambar yang akn dislain dengan mengklik kanan (mouse) icon SnapIt (seperti gambar di atas) dan pilih properties.kemudian muncul

4. Anda bisa mencentang box "Auto save image to folder" agar setiap gambar salinan tersimpan otomatis di folder yang telah kita tentukan. File yang tersimpan juga dapet diberi nama secara otomatis misalnya "Salin". Setelah selesai mengconfigurasi, tekan "save".

Cara menggunaan SnapIt sangat mudah.

1. Kita tinggal menekan tobol "Prt Scr" (print screen) pada keyboard.

2. Kemudian cursor pada layar komputer akan berubah menjadi tanda "+".

3. Arahkan kursor berbentuk "+" ke gambar / grafik yang akan disalin, lalu tekan dan tahan tombol kiri mouse untuk men-set area di mana gambar / grafik kita berada.

4. Setelah selesai men-set area, lepas tombol tombol kiri mouse dan gambar akan tersimpan otomatis pada folder yang telah di tentukan. Pada contoh, gambar akan tersimpan pada C:\ dengan nama "salin1.jpg".

Ou ada lagi... Pada website anda hanya bisa mendownload versi trial (14 hari) nya saja. Jika anda berminat untuk memiliki versi full, anda dapat membuat review tentang produk tersebut pada blog pribadi anda bisa juga di facebook, twitter atau forum atau apa saja. Lalu kirim link review tersebut ke Anda akan mendapatkan Kode registrasi yang akan di kirim langsung ke email anda.
Jika anda sudah menginstall program trial nya, anda dapat memasukkan kode registrasinya di "Help" --> "Registration" lalu copy kode registrasinya

silahkan mencoba :D
