Saturday, 24 July 2010

Saking susahnya cari kerja

Saking susahnya cari kerja, seorang lulusan ITB akhirnya menerima kerja di kebun binatang bandung, tiap hari ia memakai kostum gorila, (toh ga ada yang liat karena pake topeng) mengunyah kacang dan pisang terus menerus....

Ia berlompat lompatan dan setiap hari dengan lincahnya... dan juga dapat berhitung!!! Semenjak itu pengunjung kebun binatang bertambah banyak untuk menyaksikan gorila yang lincah dan juga... pintar (lha wong ITB..).
Akhirnya pada satu hari, tibalah saat yang naas itu, waktu ia melompat lompat, ia tergelincir dan terjatuh ke kolam buaya... "Matilah aku kali ini" katanya dalam hati,. Ia berusaha memanjat secepat cepatnya kepinggir kolam, namun buaya lebih cepat mendekat dengan mulut menganga lebar.... Dan gigi gigi yang runcing siap merobek robek tubuhnya....

Para pengunjung berteriak ngeri ketika moncong buaya menyergapnya... Antara sadar dan pingsan ia mendengar bisikan dari dalam mulut buaya... "Jangan takut mas, kita dari UI".....

NB: ini cuma cerita fiksi belaka dari milis merto21 jadi jangan di anggap serius :)

Where to buy cheap official program in Netherlands (online)

I have found some online shop for software in the Netherlands called surfspot. In this online shop, it sells alot of software (official) with "student" price... as it is indicated "student" than you have to proof your self that you are a student in Netherlands.
what you have to do is:
1. you go to
2. choose a place where you are studying in "(Onderwijs) Instelling" then press "inlogen".

3. After you loggin with your student number (e.g. your "s" number if you are TUE student) and type your password. Press "inloggen" for the second time.
4. Then you well see some products in the front page but that's not all, you can also search a product that you want...

Monday, 12 July 2010

What !! ??

this might be the most visible thing that i got to prove that Netherlands should have 2 red cards instead of (only) 1. The kung-fu scene happened before Hetingha had his first red card during final WC 2010. In the other hand, as Paul had predicted, Spain won the game with supreme skill in offence.
Congratulation Spain !